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    Головна » Файли » Учитель року 2016

    [ Викачати з сервера (17.1 Kb) ] 20.02.2016, 18:17
     Good afternoon, dear colleagues! It’s a great possibility and pleasure for me to present some methods and technologies I use during the lessons of English. Teaching English is not an easy process. It demands much effort from teachers and pupils.
    Before I start I would like to get acquainted with you. Please introduce yourself and name a few facts about yourself, your hobbies and interests. I will start.
    While working on the problem “Cognitive activity at the English lessons” I found out that there are a great number of methods and technologies which help the teacher to form stable motivation and interest to the subject.
    Didactic game is one of the ways to make the lessons more interesting and increase pupils’ activity especially in the primary school. Didactic game can be used at different stages of the lesson: as a warming up activity, as a way to revise lexical material and so on. There are a great variety of different games that can be played during the lesson. For example, while studying the topic “Parts of the body” I often suggest playing the game which is called “Confusion”. One pupil comes in front of the class and names some part of the body. At the same time he shows different part of the body. The rest of the pupils should name it correctly.
    The other game that can be used to revise the words on any topic is called “Duel”. Teacher gives the topic. Two pupils come in front of the class and name the words on the given topic in the chain way. Let’s practice this activity on the topic “Season”.
    There are a lot of unusual ways of organizing the lesson of English. It may be imaginary journey or excursion to some place. As for me, I like to use such form as “Lesson in lesson”. When we study the topic “School subjects” I try to combine parts of different lessons in one. The task can be organized in a following way: pupils get cards with the timetable and do the tasks teacher suggests to them.
    Look at the timetable and answer some of my questions:
    • What day is it today?
    • What lessons do you have? (Maths, Art, Sport, Reading)
    Get ready to the Maths lesson. What do you do in this lesson?
    Count to twenty.
    Do the following calculations:
    7+9=  ; 5+6=   ; 13-4=  ; 18-3=   ;
    The second lesson is Art. What do we do in this lesson?
    Draw a big house. Draw a green tree near it. Draw nice flowers.
    The next lesson is Sport . What do we do in this lesson?
    Stand up, please!
    Hands up! Clap, clap!
    Hands on hips! Step, step!
    Bend your left, bend your right
    Turn yourself around
    Hands up! Hands down! And sit down.
    The last lesson is Reading. What do we do in this lesson?
    Let’s read a short poem
    We can read, we can write
    We can speak English too.
    We love learning English.
    And what about you?
    Thank you very much for the active participation in the activity.
    Modern technologies give us a lot of possibilities to organize the lessons more effectively and vary different forms of work. Using a computer is essential at the lesson of English nowadays. Computer technologies give an opportunity to listen to native speakers while learning English. At my lessons I practice using different videos that develop listening and speaking skills of the pupils. I want to give an example of work with video fragments.
    Group 1. Divide the following festivals into two groups: British and common for the whole Europe
    • Christmas, Easter, Guy Fawkes’ Night, Pancake Day, St Valentine’s  Day, Halloween, New Year’s Eve.
    •                    British festivals                                 Common festivals
    Group  2. Complete the table with the dates
    Festival Date
    Guy Fawkes’ Night  
    Pancake Day  
    St Valentine’s Day  
    Group 3. Complete the table with the traditions of celebration of the following holidays
    Festival Traditions
    Guy Fawkes’ Night 1)
    Pancake Day 1)
    St Valentine’s Day 1)
    Halloween 1)
    At the lessons I pay attention to different forms of project work. Such kind of work is focused on pupils’ interests. The aim of it is to show practical usage of knowledge. Almost each topic may finish with doing some project. Doing project is a good way to summarize the topic and share the results of work.
    While studying the topic “Food” in the 6th form I suggest making a menu for the school canteen.
    You are the member of a pupil’s government. You were given the task to make a few variants of menu for the school canteen according to the following criteria: soup, main course, vegetables and fruit, desserts, drinks.
    I often use interactive forms of work. They provide constant interaction between pupils. Each of them can fell the success of his/her studying.
    To illustrate it let’s do the activity which is called ”Imagine it”. One pupil chooses the picture. He shouldn’t show it to the other pupils. The task is to describe the picture in detail. The rest of the pupils try to reproduce it. Then pupils demonstrate the results of their work. The task may be organized in groups.
    All of you had to the same instructions but your pictures are quite different. It happens because we are different. The same is with pupils. They are different and unique. Everyone needs a special approach. Our task, as teachers, is to find this approach.

    Категорія: Учитель року 2016 | Додав: oksanamykolaivna
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