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    Розробка уроку з англійської мови у 8 класі
    [ Викачати з сервера (100.8 Kb) ] 22.02.2015, 15:51
    Тема уроку: Молодіжний відпочинок. Розвиток навичок аудіювання.
    1) навчальна: активізувати ЛО теми «Відпочинок»;
                            поглибити знання учнів з теми «Молодіжний відпочинок»;
                            формувати вміння сприймати на слух і розуміти короткі       
                            навчати ознайомлювального читання;
    2) розвивальна: розвивати пізнавальний інтерес учнів;
                               розвивати вміння узагальнювати, аналізувати отриману
                               інформацію, порівнювати;
                               розвивати пам'ять, мовлення, логічне мислення;
    3) виховна: виховувати культуру мовлення і письма учнів:
    Обладнання: картки із завданнями, відеозапис, проектор, мультимедійна
    Хід уроку:
    І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
    1. Привітання (слово вчителя)
    T: Hello, pupils! I am glad to see you! I hope everyone is ready to start the lesson.
    2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку (слово вчителя, фронтальна робота з класом)
    T: Today I have received a message from my friend Ann. She is so upset. She is waiting for her friends and she doesn’t know what to do. She asks my advice. Can you help me to give the advice? How can people spend their free time?

    P: They can: - listen to music/dance;
    • play computer games;
    • surf the Internet;
    • read books;
    • play different sport games etc.
    T: Thanks. I will write to Ann when our lesson is over. What do you think we are going to speak about at the lesson today?
    P: (учні висловлюють свої припущення)
    T: What synonyms to the word combination “leisure time” do you know?
    P: Spare time, free time.
    T: Today at the lesson we are going to speak about our free time activities. i/d like you to compare Ukrainian and British traditional activities.
    3. Перевірка домашнього завдання
    T: Your hometask was to answer three questions:
    • What are favourite leisure activities of Ukrainians teens?
    • What do you do in your free time?
    • How would you like to spend your free time?
    (Декілька учнів дають відповідь на кожне запитання)
    T: Well done, thanks.
    ІІ. Основна частина уроку
    1. Аудіювання
    1) Етап підготовки до сприйняття тексту на слух
    а) Бесіда
    T: How do you think British teens spend their free time? (Декілька учнів відповідають)
    б) Ознайомлення з новими ЛО
    T: Look at the board and repeat the words after me:
       surprise party- вечірка-сюрприз
       pity- шкода
       to wonder- цікавитися
       to arrange- організовувати
       to order- замовляти
    (Учні повторюють ЛО за вчителем)
    в) Відпрацювання нових ЛО
    T: Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. You have 1 minute to do the task
    surprise party          pity                       wonder     arrange         ordered
     1. Ann ………. Another cup of coffee.
    2. I ……….how are you getting on?
    3. …………… is very popular in the USA.
    4. It’s a ………….. you were late.
    5. I will ………. to meet Mark next week.
    T: Make up your own sentences with these words. (Декілька учнів читають складені речення)
    2) Етап перегляду відео
    T: Watch the video about possible party activities in Britain and say who is going to come to Lisa’s party. Do task 2 on the worksheets.

    (Учні переглядають відео перший раз та виконують завдання під час перегляду)
    T: How many people are going to come?
    P: 6 people are going to come.
    T: What are their names?
    P: Nathan, Miranda, Rick, Rob, Emily and Lisa.
    T: Let’s watch the video once again and do tasks three and for on your worksheets.

    3) Етап перевірки розуміння змісту відео
    T: Answer the questions:
    1. What is Nathan planning?
    P: Nathan is planning Lisa’s surprise party.
    2. Who is going to come?
    P: Miranda, Nathan, Rob, Emily, Lisa, Rich are going to come.
    3. What does Miranda usually do on her birthday?
    P: Miranda usually goes to the cinema on her birthday. This year she is going to see a film and then go somewhere for pizza.
    4. What does Rick usually do on his birthday?
    P: Rick likes dancing so maybe he can go to the disco or a club.
    5. What does Rob usually do on his birthday?
    P: Rob likes bowling and watching a video.
    6. What does Emily usually do on her birthday?
    P: Emily usually has a party at her house but she has never been to a surprise party.
    7. What is Nathan planning to do?
    P: He is planning to go bowling, after that they will have a burger, then watch a video and eat a pizza.
    2. Розвиток вмінь мовлення.
    T: Now work in two groups. Pupils from the 1st group are from Great Britain. You live in London. Pupils from the second group are from Ukraine. You live in Kyiv. In groups discuss leisure activities in your countries and tell the most popular in your opinion. The texts will help you.
    Read the texts for 2 minutes and write out how teenagers spend their free time in Britain and Ukraine. Choose a speaker and be ready to present your ideas.
    (Учні в групах читають тексти та виписують з них способи проведення вільного часу підлітками у Великій Британії та Англії. Потім презентують результати. Представники іншої групи ставлять запитання)
    How Do Teenagers in the UK Spend Their Free Time?
    Teenagers in the UK enjoy various indoor and outdoor activities. A recent survey discovered that they spend about 45% of their free time playing computer games and watching television, 24% of their free time socializing, 22-23% on sport and hobbies, and 10% on other activities. Other popular leisure activities are listening to the radio, listening to pre-recorded music, reading, DIY, chatting online, eating out and going to the cinema.
    Playing computer games ranks the first place in the list of favourite activities among teenagers. The second most common leisure activity in the UK is watching television. The average viewing time is 25 hours per person per week. Many television programmes are about wildlife, animals, holidays, cooking and gardening. Teenagers watch TV before and after school.
    Visiting or entertaining friends or relatives and going to the cinema are also very popular activities in Britain.
    Teenagers go to McDonalds or King’s Burger at least once a week. Sometimes they have a pizza delivered to their houses or go to a restaurant with their family at the weekend.
    Sports and physical recreation have always been popular. Local governments provide cheap sport and leisure activities such as swimming pools, tennis courts, parks and golf courses, People go to watch other people play sports like football or take part in sports activities themselves.
    Leisure time of Ukrainian teenagers
    Everybody sometimes has a free time. Somebody prefers only to sleep in their leisure time, but most of Ukrainian teenagers prefer to do a great number of interesting things. It may be reading, various types of sport games, watching TV, listening to music and so on.
    Teenagers in Ukraine are keen on playing computer games and spend quite a lot of money and time on them. They spend two or three hours a day chatting online with their friends.
    Although studies at school take much time during the day they try to lead a healthy lifestyle and keep fit.  Teenagers often gather after school and play basketball, football or other active games. Parents often encourage children to go in for sport. They like to participate in different championships.
    Ukrainian teenagers are rather creative. They attend various clubs after school and like to work on some projects. In such way they develop a good imagination and artistic taste.
    Teenagers also love travelling. Usually they travel in summer and often it is a trip to the south, to the warm sea. All people must have other occupations besides their basic work, because it teaches us something new about people and world around us.
    Group 1:
    Teenagers in the UK:
    • play computer games;
    • watch TV;
    • socialize;
    • sport and hobbies;
    • listen to the radio/music;
    • read;
    • DIY;
    • chat online;
    • eat out;
    • go to the cinema.
    Group 1:
    Teenagers in Ukraine:
    • read;
    • sport games;
    • watch TV;
    • listen to music;
    • play computer games;
    • chat online;
    • attend various clubs after school;
    • travel.
    T: Thank you very much for the participation in the discussion. Now you can see that both British and Ukrainian teenagers have quite common interests and spend their free time in the same way.
    ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку
    1. Підведення підсумків уроку (слово вчителя)
    T: You were very active at the lesson. Thanks for your work. Did you like the lesson?
    (Учні відповідають)
    2. Оцінювання знань, умінь та навичок учнів, мотивація (слово вчителя)
    3. Домашнє завдання (пояснення вчителя)
    T: Write a letter to your friend about the ways of spending your free time. Mind the rules of writing a letter.

    Категорія: Мої файли | Додав: oksanamykolaivna
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